H-3 Visas

Bring Foreign Trainees to the U.S. for Specialized Training

This special visa allows you to legally bring foreign nationals to the United States for training programs not available in their home country. Enhance your global workforce and meet your company’s specialized training needs.
What’s the H-3 Visa?

The H-3 Visa is a non-immigrant visa that enables U.S. employers to bring foreign nationals to the United States for up to two years of training in any field, excluding graduate medical education or training. This visa allows you to provide specialized training that is unavailable in the trainee’s home country, improving their skills and benefiting your international operations.

What Benefits Does the H-3 Visa Have?

Discover Its Advantages

foreign workers

Enhance your global workforce by providing specialized training to foreign nationals.

enhance operational

Address international skill gaps by training foreign employees in U.S. facilities.

h4 visas

Improve operational efficiency through tailored training programs.

foreign workers

Strengthen loyalty and commitment among your overseas staff.

enhance operational

Legally bring foreign trainees to the U.S. without impacting domestic employment.

h4 visas

Develop a workforce familiar with U.S. business practices and culture.

Who May Qualify for the Visa?

Who May Qualify for H-3 Visa?

The H-3 Visa is designed for foreign nationals invited by a U.S. organization to participate in a training program in any field other than graduate medical education or training. Applicants should be individuals who seek to receive training that is not available in their home country and intend to advance their careers abroad using the acquired skills.

What Are The Requirements for H-3 Visa?

Understand the H-3 Visa's Requirements

Requirement #1

Provide a detailed training program that is not available in the trainee’s home country.

Requirement #2

Ensure the training is not intended to fill a labor shortage or involve productive employment.

Requirement #3

Demonstrate that the trainee will not displace U.S. workers or be placed in a position typically filled by domestic employees.

Requirement #4

Confirm that the training will benefit the trainee’s career outside the United States.

Requirement #5

Submit a comprehensive statement outlining the training program’s objectives, schedule, and supervision.

If you think this is too much paperwork, don’t think it twice— Consult our Foreign Employee Training services here.

Hundreds of U.S. employers trust LOIGICA® to facilitate the H-3 visa process. Enhance your global workforce with our expert legal assistance.

h3 visa