EMPLOYMENT visas in the United States

Career opportunities with U.S. employment visas (Employer needed) 

Employment visas are an opportunity for international individuals who seek to work, reside, and develop professionally within the United States. Applicants are typically educated professionals who work for a US employer that offers them an offer to migrate to the U.S. through a job sponsorship.

This is the best opportunity for scientists actors researchers artists engineers

H1B visas

Is an alternative for American companies to recruit foreign talent with specialized occupations.

Labor certification PERM

At Loigica, we help the employee obtain the US labor certification.

L1 visas

The L1 visa is an opportunity to work on what you are passionate about.

EB1 visas

The EB1 visa is special for people with outstanding professional profiles.​

EB2 visas - National Interest Waiver

A highly qualified professional profile is a short route to obtaining an American residency.

Green card

The permanent resident card or green card allows a foreigner to live and work inside the United States.

Working legally is an option for everyone, select the different categories above and discover more about the different visas to achieve all your immigration objectives of working legally in the United States.