What you need to know about transferring your H-1B visa:

Transferring your H1B visa: 3 minutes read The application, selection, and approval process for H1B applicants can be downright daunting. It’s no wonder that once a candidate receives the visa, they are overwhelmingly relieved. However, sometimes company plans change, and employees can be notified that their role is being terminated or the position is being […]
How immigration can positively impact growth problems in America

Immigration can impact America: 3 minutes read Economists broadly agree that population growth fuels economic growth in wealthy countries, and lately, you may have seen headlines about declining birth rates and census figures showing the lowest growth rate since the 1930s. Some young Americans have opted to not have children, or cannot, and some […]
Understanding the E1 Visa

The E1 is a great opportunity for foreign nationals. In this passage, understand the importance of the E1 Visa and its unique details, requirements, and complexities.